CTAB 植物核酸萃取溶液3

CTAB 植物核酸萃取溶液

CTAB 植物核酸萃取溶液可以廣泛用於植物組織的 DNA 萃取

CTAB 植物核酸萃取溶液

CTAB Extraction Buffer

CTAB 植物核酸萃取溶液可以廣泛用於植物組織的 DNA 萃取,多糖類 (Polysaccharides) 以及多酚 (polyphenols) 通常是萃取植物 DNA 時最棘手的問題,CTAB 植物核酸萃取溶液利用其陽離子試劑 (cationic detergent CTAB, hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide/ cetyltrimethylammounium bromide) 來去除多糖類和多酚並透過 Polyvinylpyrrolidone 來結合多酚,來達成降低萃取汙染物的步驟。

傳統的 CTAB 核酸萃取會先將樣品加入 CTAB 溶液,而後進行樣品均質化作用,接著離心將雜質及多糖類沉澱下來,取上清液再進行 chloroform 萃取及酒精沉澱等步驟即可完成萃取,使用 CTAB 來進行植物樣品萃取通常可以獲得非常純淨的產物。

CTAB 萃取植物 DNA 的建議實驗步驟

  1. Pulverize 100 mg of plant sample using a liquid nitrogen chilled mortar and pestle. Once processed, mix 100 mg of frozen powdered sample with 500 µl of CTAB Plant Extraction Buffer.
  2. Place the homogenate into a 60°C bath for 30 min.
  3. Centrifuge the homogenate for 10 minutes at 10,000 x g.
  4. Transfer the supernatant into a clean tube and add 5 µl of RNase (10 mg/ml in water) to the lysate. Incubate at room temperature for 15 minutes.
  5. Centrifuge for 5 minutes at 10,000 x g.
  6. Extract the lysate with equal volume of chloroform: isoamyl alcohol (24:1). Vortex for 5 seconds then centrifuge for a minute at 10,000 x g to separate the phases.
  7. Transfer the upper phase to a clean tube.
  8. Repeat step 7 until upper layer is clear. Transfer upper phase to a new tube.
  9. Add 0.7 volumes of isopropanol. Mix and incubate at -20°C for 15 minutes.
  10. Centrifuge for 10 minutes at 10,000 x g. Decant and wash the pellet with 70% ethanol.
  11. Decant without disturbing the pellet. Dry the pellet briefly in the SpeedVac (3 minutes at medium heat). Do not over dry the DNA.
  12. Resuspend the DNA in 50 µl of TE buffer.

如果希望不使用 chloroform 的方法,可以參考不需 chloroform 的植物專用萃取試劑套組


試劑標物 1127434